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Criminal Policy Reform Gets Mixed Reviews

Posted on by Townsend Myers

A new report from the Stanford University Criminal Justice Center examines the response of stakeholders in the California criminal justice system to the state’s now two-year-old prison realignment program. [Full text of the […]

Video from Orleans Parish Prison Shows Alcohol, Drugs and Guns

Posted on by Townsend Myers

Inmates in Orleans Parish Prison were the stars of a shocking video shown in Federal court in New Orleans on Tuesday. The video was shown during a hearing in connection with the proposed consent decree over the troubled Orleans Parish Prison system, and it showed instances of drug and alcohol use, as well as possession of at least one loaded weapon inside the jail.

Putting a Price on Crime

Posted on by Townsend Myers

What costs 70 billion dollars a year, and is generally regarded as an abject failure? Answer: our criminal justice system. In the last 20 years, the incarceration rate in this country has quadrupled, but the crime problem […]

Lawyer in New Orleans Municipal Court

Mardi Gras Do’s and Dont’s: Traffic and Municipal Court

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