The Perfect Gift for the Criminal Defense Attorney in Your Life
Posted on by Townsend Myers
I had lunch with my good friends Anna and Andy today. We were attending a yearly seminar for criminal defense attorneys in the French Quarter, and had taken a walk together to get some lunch. […]
Criminal Court Budget Crisis is a Crisis of “Over-prosecution”
Posted on by Townsend MyersNew Orleans Criminal Court
The judges of the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court pleaded with the the New Orleans City Council on Monday to spare the court’s budget from a proposed 31 percent cut. The budget proposed by Mayor Mitch […]
Vampires Invade the United States Courts
Posted on by Townsend MyersJust in time for Halloween comes a story of vampires invading the United States Courts. High school students who are part of a school vampire club calling themselves “The Fangtastics” are suing their high school administration.
The Naked Gun
Posted on by Townsend MyersLast week at The University of South Alabama, a naked eighteen year-old student was shot and killed by a police officer. A press release from the university said the officer heard a bang on a window […]
What Happens When Innocent People Confess
Posted on by Townsend MyersThe tragedy of Damon Thibodeaux is that another innocent man was imprisoned due to “false confession.” Thankfully, he was not executed. We need to do whatever it takes to make sure that no one ever is.