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Don’t Miss the Boat: What to Do if You’re Arrested in New Orleans Before Your Cruise

Posted on by Townsend Myers

New Orleans is a prime location for cruise ship departures, but what happens if you get into trouble before you leave?


New Orleans is a great city, full of life and zest, with a vibrant artistic and cultural scene. We’re lucky to get visitors from around the country and around the globe who come to see us for a few days or a few weeks and who sometimes decide to stay for the rest of their lives. With its thriving port, New Orleans also serves as a hub for cruises, with plenty of people flying in each day to meet their ships and take a dream vacation. With a day or two before the boat leaves, many visitors want to experience all the sights and sounds of New Orleans. If the night gets a little out of hand and you end up spending the night with the NOPD, how do you ensure that this wrinkle in your plans doesn’t throw off the whole vacation?

First, there’s no point in being difficult with the police. It’s best if you provide them with only the information necessary to complete their booking form: your “pedigree” information like name, date of birth, social security number, address, etc. Don’t argue with them, don’t try to convince them of your innocence—in fact, don’t say anything at all that you don’t have to say. You’re going to need a criminal defense attorney, and the more you say, the harder their job will be.

Second, don’t try to resist or evade the police. If asked to accompany them, go quietly and comply with any commands they may give you. If you’re arrested, they will remind you of your right to remain silent (which you should exercise) and your right to an attorney (which you should also exercise). Do not attempt to evade or resist arrest. This will only complicate the task for your criminal defense attorney and prolong the situation.

When you get the opportunity, make sure to contact a reputable criminal defense attorney with an established New Orleans practice. I often have to bail people out so that they can make their departure, and I appear in court for them while they’re away. Make sure you’re getting the same high level of service.



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